General Liability Coverage

The Increasing Importance of General Liability Coverage in the Trucking Industry

A noticeable trend in risk management is the rising insistence for for-hire truckers to be equipped with general liability coverage, or Trucking General Liability Insurance. This policy indemnifies any injuries or damages to property which occur due to business operations not directly linked with operating your truck.

When considering the litigious nature of today’s society, General Liability Coverage becomes essential to manage any legal actions and judgments that may arise from diverse circumstances not included under Auto Liability. Therefore, it’s a prudent investment for trucking companies seeking to safeguard their operations.

General Liability policies provide a comprehensive shield with the following coverages:

  • Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability: A safety net against claims due to bodily harm or damage to another party’s property.

  • Personal and Advertising Injury Liability: Protection against lawsuits arising from defamation, slander, or advertising mishaps.

  • Medical Payments: Covers the medical costs for individuals injured on your business premises or due to your operations.

  • Products/Completed Operations: Protection in case a product or service causes harm or property damage.

  • Damage to Premises Rented to You: Covers property damage to rented spaces used for business purposes.

Injury Liability

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